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Our Mission
In collaboration with the Town of Apple Valley, PBID works to provide management oversight, directives and setting of priorities for supplemental services and improvements for Apple Valley Village. These focused objectives include a phased streetscape beautification project within the district, areas of recognition such as entry treatments, seasonal banners and general enhancements, and supplemental public safety services.
- To actively seek matching grants and funds from the Town of Apple Valley and, where possible, any other agency, entity, and funding source.
- To encourage and sustain new development, revitalization, economic 1 growth, and improvement of Apple Valley Village
- To formulate and advance remedies for conditions not considered beneficial to customers, business owners and property owners in Apple Valley Village.
- To effectively develop, market and represent Apple Valley Village as a diverse business community.
- When applicable, to receive, administer and disburse funds in connection with any of the activities related to the above stated purposes.
- To work with governmental entities, civic bodies, community organizations, trade and commerce groups, and local community improvement associations in connection with any activities related to the above specific purposes, or in any enterprise deemed beneficial to Apple Valley Village.
The Village PBID was established by property owners within the Apple Valley Village business area to provide and manage supplemental services and improvement for this important, historic business center of Town. The PBID is a unique benefit assessment district that enables district property owners, working together, to fund needed property related improvement programs to further enhance business activity and property values. PBID benefits include enhanced security through contracted, private security, entryway signage, decorative street lighting, landscaping, enhanced sidewalks and crosswalks and creation of a destination atmosphere for shopping, eating and social gatherings.