Procedures Report 2019-2020

Merchant Directory 2020

July 2019 Sheriff’s Report

Merchant Directory and Map

Apple Valley Village PBID Board of Directors Statement of Interest 2018-2019

Apple Valley Village PBID Board of Directors Statement of Interest 2017-2018

CPA Report 2016

CPA Report 2015

 Official Ballot for the Election of 2016

Apple Valley Village PBID Board of Directors Statement of Interest 2016-2017

  By Laws for the  Village  

In concert with the Town of Apple Valley, to provide management oversight, directives and 36 setting of priorities for supplemental services and improvements for Apple Valley Village, 37 including a phased streetscape beautification project within the Apple Valley Village Property 38 and Business Improvement District (“PBID”), areas of recognition such as entry treatments, 39 seasonal banners and general enhancements and supplemental public safety services.

Management District Plan 

The Apple Valley Village PBID is a property-based Business Improvement District being developed by a consortium of progressive business and property owners within the Apple Valley Village business area. The purpose of this district is to provide and manage supplemental services and improvements for this important business center, including a phased streetscape beautification project along Highway 18 and other streets within the PBID, image enhancements such as seasonal banners and theme street furniture, and supplemental public safety services. The PBID is a unique benefit assessment district that will enable the District property owners, working as a unit, to fund needed property related improvement programs and projects above what can be provided by the Town of Apple Valley on a regular basis. The Town has pledged to provide matching grants and funds, where possible, for each dollar generated through the PBID. PBIDs such as the one being proposed have been successfully used in some 2000 business districts throughout the US and Canada. Currently, there are over 150 PBIDs in business districts throughout California.


  CPA-Procedure Agreement Report 

Summary of Procedure Performance: The Association’s property assessments are collected by the County of San Bernardino, and remitted to the Town of Apple Valley. They are recorded by the Town of Apple Valley’s finance department in a fund established for the Association. I obtained schedules detailing the allocation of tax and assessments received by the Town of Apple Valley. I was able to trace all assessments received per the schedules to the general ledger maintained for the Association. I also received a confirmation from the County of the total assessment revenues collected by the county on behalf of the Association for both fiscal years.


CPA-Independent Accounts’ Report On Applying Agreed-upon Procedures